Featured Books

Holy Woman
Visitors streamed to them for guidance and blessings; leading Rabbonim treated them with reverence. Living in a humble shack, poverty clung to them like the dust of the surrounding Jezre'el Valley. Childless themselves, they cared for cast-off children with profound handicaps. By life's end, Rebbitzen Chaya Sara Kramer, together with her husband Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Kramer, had transformed the lives of tens of thousands of people worldwide.

Be A Blessing
“Be a blessing, my child, be a blessing.” They were words whispered from a father to his child as she confronted the horrors of the Holocaust. That child would grow up to be the world’s beloved Rebbetzin, Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis.

Gateway to Judaism – The What, How, and Why of Jewish Life
Questions are the gateways to knowledge. After years of responding to the queries of people from all walks of life, Rabbi Becher saw the need for a single volume that would explain the fundamentals of Jewish living; the philosophy behind Jewish tradition, along with practical explanations of how Jews actually live. Gateway to Judaism offers an engaging insider's look at the mindset, values, and practices of Judaism in the 21st century.

G-d Winked
Sara Yoheved Rigler, the author of the bestseller Holy Woman, made her first, year-long trip to India while still in college. She spent 15 years living in an ashram and practicing and teaching meditation. Then her spiritual journey took a hairpin turn. She went to Jerusalem and started studying what she called, "the world's most hidden religion: Torah Judaism."The tales collected in this book span the breadth of Sara Yoheved Rigler's colorful, adventure-filled life. The lessons derived from a dizzying variety of sources:

Living Emunah
Think about living a life of no stress. No anxiety. No fear. Is it an impossible dream, an unreachable fantasy? Or... can it be achieved? And can YOU achieve it?Our Sages' clear answer to these life-transforming questions is: Yes. You can live a life of tranquility, serenity and happiness, no matter what is happening around you.What it takes is emunah, faith. Faith in Hashem and His goodness, belief that He cares for you, knows what is best for you and is completely involved in your life. If you believe that totally - you're on the path to emunah, the road that leads to real happiness.

Life Is A Test
How to Meet Life's Challenges Successfully

This remarkable book offers an in-depth exploration of a significant historical period, weaving together the poignant narratives of Chanah and her seven sons, alongside the inspiring tale of the Kohen Gadol's daughter. It not only illuminates these powerful stories but also provides a complete guide to the candle-lighting service, enriching the reader's understanding of cultural traditions and their enduring impact. This work stands as a testament to resilience and faith, inviting readers to reflect on the past while inspiring future generations to honor and celebrate their heritage.

A Letter For The Ages
The great Ramban (Nachmanides) sent this letter to his son as a blueprint for an ethical life

The Committed Life
Principles of good living from our timeless past

The Committed Marriage
Even the most pressured modern couples can find harmony and unity, guided by the timeless wisdom of the Torah.