Products Page


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

    Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text

    Author : Saul Bellow
  • many variations of passages

    many variations of passages

    There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum

    Author : Elie Wiesel
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

    Author : Anne Frank
  • Jerusalem Eye of the Universe

    Jerusalem Eye of the Universe

    Explores the significance of Jerusalem, the only city mentioned in our prayers, and provides an understanding of the history and symbolism of Jerusalem.

    Author : Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan
  • The Committed Marriage

    The Committed Marriage

    Even the most pressured modern couples can find harmony and unity, guided by the timeless wisdom of the Torah.

    Author : Esther Jungreis
  • The Committed Life

    The Committed Life

    Principles of good living from our timeless past

    Author : Esther Jungreis
  • Ethics of Our Fathers

    Ethics of Our Fathers

    This is a book of ethics, honesty, and advice written by our holy Sages and applicable to our modern lives

    Author : Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz
  • A Letter For The Ages

    A Letter For The Ages

    The great Ramban (Nachmanides) sent this letter to his son as a blueprint for an ethical life

    Author : The Ramba”n
  • Living Each Day

    Living Each Day

    LIVING EACH DAY provides an inspirational message and an appropriate prayer for every single day of the year, in a convenient daily calendar format with room for daily notes. They are perfect companions for daily doses of strength and thought.

    Author : Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski M.D.
  • The Concise Book Of Mitzvoth

    The Concise Book Of Mitzvoth

    Author : The Chofetz Chaim
  • Loving Kindness

    Loving Kindness

    Author : Shiurim of R’ Fishel Schachter Based on the Teaching of the Chofetz Chaim
  • Understanding Judaism

    Understanding Judaism

    A Basic Guide To Jewish Faith, History, And Practice

    Author : Rabbi Mordechai Katz
  • Let There Be Rain

    Let There Be Rain

    A Lesson A day on making Gratitude a part of our lives

    Author : Rabbis Shimon Finkelman and Zechariah Wallerstein
  • Tishah B’Av

    Tishah B’Av

    The Ninth of Av – On this black day in history, both the First and Second Holy Temples of Jerusalem were destroyed and the surviving Jews brutally sent into exile. Tishah B’Av became a day of repeated tragedies. How was the Jewish nation meant to endure this phase of its history, the stage intended to bring us to the Final Redemption?

    Author :  Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Feuer
  • Yom Kippur

    Yom Kippur

    It is the purpose of this volume to help open up the message of Yom Kippur, for if we can better understand it, we can better achieve the goals it sets forth for us.

    Author :  Rabbi Hersh Goldwurm
  • Rosh Hashanah

    Rosh Hashanah

    The yearnings, hopes and prayers of Rosh Hashanah form the gateway from man to G-d. In this book, a host of these important prayers are explained and illuminated.

    Author : Rabbi Nosson Scherman
  • Chanukah


    This remarkable book offers an in-depth exploration of a significant historical period, weaving together the poignant narratives of Chanah and her seven sons, alongside the inspiring tale of the Kohen Gadol’s daughter. It not only illuminates these powerful stories but also provides a complete guide to the candle-lighting service, enriching the reader’s understanding of cultural traditions and their enduring impact. This work stands as a testament to resilience and faith, inviting readers to reflect on the past while inspiring future generations to honor and celebrate their heritage.

    Author :  Rabbi Hersh Goldwurm
  • Succos


    The significance of Succos; the lessons of the Four Species; the lessons of leaving a comfortable home for the chill of a flimsy booth.

    Author : Rabbi Hersh Goldwurm
  • Pesach


    The meaning and purpose of Pesach; a fascinating collection of ideas and anecdotes on the Festival of our Freedom and laws of the Festival.

    Author : Rabbi Shimon Finkelman
  • Shema Yisroel

    Shema Yisroel

    A new translation with a commentary anthologized from Talmudic, Midrashic, and Rabbinic sources.

    Author : Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz
  • Purim


    A bonanza of Purim treats, this book will add new and deeper meaning and understanding to everyone’s celebration of this festive holiday.

    Author : Rabbi Avie Gold
  • Shavuos


    This book takes us back to those thrilling days at Sinai, to the Sefirah days of counting, to the delirious joy and suspended sunset of Lag B’Omer. Complete with an Overview and a wealth of beautiful insights and stories, and the Book of Ruth.

    Author : Rabbi Shimon Finkelman
  • Beyond Survival

    Beyond Survival

    Growing spiritually via the thirteen principles

    Author : 
  • Permission to Believe

    Permission to Believe

    Four Rational Approaches to G-d’s ExistenceThe most perplexing question of all times: does God really exist? And is it really irrational to believe so? World renowned lecturer and educator Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen, Harvard graduate, examines the case for God in this intellectually groundbreaking book. A well-researched and footnoted work, this is an essential read for any individual with intellectual curiosity and spiritual thirst, and anyone who is involved in Jewish outreach.

    Author : 
  • Permission to Receive

    Permission to Receive

    Four rational approaches to the Torah’s Divine Origin, for those who value both intellectual integrity and the Jewish spiritual inheritance.

    Author : 
  • The Midrash Says- Bereishis

    The Midrash Says- Bereishis

    Describes the lives of the forefathers and of the Twelve Tribes The narrative of the weekly Torah-portion in the perspective of our Sages. Selected and adapted from the Talmud and Midrash. All the volumes in this popular series will not fail to inspire and stimulate the reader, while providing vital information on the Parshah

    Author : Rabbi Moshe Weissman
  • The Midrash Says-Shemos

    The Midrash Says-Shemos

    Part of the Five-Volume Series Centers around the exodus from Egypt and the building of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) Illustrations of the priestly garments and of the Mishkan are included

    Author : Rabbi Moshe Weissman
  • The Midrash Says- Vayikra

    The Midrash Says- Vayikra

    Parts of the Five-Volume Series Discusses the laws pertaining to the Temple Service in easily understood language

    Author : Rabbi Moshe Weissman
  • The Midrash Says- Bamidbar

    The Midrash Says- Bamidbar

    Part of Five-Volume Series Relates the events that occurred while the Jews wandered in the wilderness

    Author : Rabbi Moshe Weissman
  • The Midrash Says- Devarim

    The Midrash Says- Devarim

    Part of Five-Volume Series Moshe’s parting speech — a fascinating review of the events that transpired under this great prophet’s leadership

    Author : Rabbi Moshe Weissman
  • The Midrash Says- Bereishis

    The Midrash Says- Bereishis

    Describes the lives of the forefathers and of the Twelve Tribes The narrative of the weekly Torah-portion in the perspective of our Sages.

    Author : Rabbi Moshe Weissman
  • Simchas Torah

    Simchas Torah

    The twin festival of Shemini Atzeres / Simchas Torah is the climax of the holiday month that swings like a roller coaster from judgment to joy.

    Author : Rabbi Moshe Lieber
  • Life Is A Test

    Life Is A Test

    How to Meet Life’s Challenges Successfully

    Author : Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis
  • The Artscroll Sephardic Siddur (Prayerbook)

    The Artscroll Sephardic Siddur (Prayerbook)

    This siddur is for people with a family heritage from Spain, Morocco, Iran etc.

    Author : 
  • Ascending Jacob’s Ladder

    Ascending Jacob’s Ladder

    Essays on the Fundamentals of Jewish life

    Author : Rabbi Yaakov Hillel
  • The Shabbos Home Vol. 1

    The Shabbos Home Vol. 1

    A comprehensive halachic guide to the laws of shabbos as they apply throughout the home

    Author : 
  • The Shabbos Home Vol. 2

    The Shabbos Home Vol. 2

    A comprehensive halachic guide to the laws of shabbos as they apply throughout the home Checkout

    Author : 
  • Living Emunah

    Living Emunah

    Think about living a life of no stress. No anxiety. No fear. Is it an impossible dream, an unreachable fantasy? Or… can it be achieved? And can YOU achieve it?Our Sages’ clear answer to these life-transforming questions is: Yes. You can live a life of tranquility, serenity and happiness, no matter what is happening around you.What it takes is emunah, faith. Faith in Hashem and His goodness, belief that He cares for you, knows what is best for you and is completely involved in your life. If you believe that totally – you’re on the path to emunah, the road that leads to real happiness.

    Author : Rabbi David Ashear
  • WorldMask


    The world is a mask which hides a deeper reality. But it is a unique mask: it hides, and yet it reveals; it is opaque and yet transparent. This book, by the author of “Anatomy of a Search” and “Living Inspired”, reveals some of the Torah wisdom which reflects that duality, both within the world and beyond it, in physical expression and in root depth. One who learns to perceive the depth behind the scenes of life will experience exhilaration and wonder. The careful reader who explores the chapters presented here will discover some of the keys which unlock the world behind the mask.

    Author : Rabbi Akiva Tatz
  • Living Inspired

    Living Inspired

    Shows how an understanding of some of the deeper ideas and patterns of Torah thought can illuminate our everyday experiences

    Author : Rabbi Akiva Tatz
  • The Garden Of Emuna

    The Garden Of Emuna

    A Practical Guide to Life By Rabbi Shalom Arush Translated by Brody, Rabbi Lazer Emuna–faith–is the cornerstone for every Jew, and a deepening of faith opens our eyes to blessings and opportunities we never thought possible.

    Author : 
  • The Aura of Shabbos

    The Aura of Shabbos

    Author : The Aura of Shabbos
  • Towards Meaningful Prayer

    Towards Meaningful Prayer

    Author : S. Feldbrand
  • Aryeh Kaplan Anthology Volume I

    Aryeh Kaplan Anthology Volume I

    Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan asks hard questions about Judaism and its commandments, and he gives compelling answers that have broadened the horizons of countless people.

    Author : Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan
  • Aryeh Kaplan Anthology Volume II

    Aryeh Kaplan Anthology Volume II

    Author : Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan
  • G-d Winked

    G-d Winked

    Sara Yoheved Rigler, the author of the bestseller Holy Woman, made her first, year-long trip to India while still in college. She spent 15 years living in an ashram and practicing and teaching meditation. Then her spiritual journey took a hairpin turn. She went to Jerusalem and started studying what she called, “the world’s most hidden religion: Torah Judaism.”The tales collected in this book span the breadth of Sara Yoheved Rigler’s colorful, adventure-filled life. The lessons derived from a dizzying variety of sources:

    Author : Sara Yoheved Rigler
  • The Shabbos Kitchen

    The Shabbos Kitchen

    A Comprehensive Guide to the Preparation of Food and Other Kitchen Activities on Shabbos or Yom Tov

    Author : Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen
  • Let My Nation Go-Pesach

    Let My Nation Go-Pesach

    This dramatic, vivid narrative tells the story of the slavery in Egypt, and the wondrous Exodus we experienced, in a captivating, novel-like style, based on Talmudic and Midrashic sources. Here we witness the harsh decrees, the miracles of the Ten Plagues, the thunderous splitting of the sea, and the entire Passover saga. Extensively researched and annotated.

    Author : 
  • Let My Nation Serve Me – Shavuos

    Let My Nation Serve Me – Shavuos

    Let My Nation Serve Me recounts the most important episode in Jewish history: the drama and exhilaration of Mattan Torah come alive, drawing us to Mount Sinai where we can visualize Moshe, Aharon, Miriam, and other Biblical figures as though they stood before us.

    Author : 
  • Gateway to Judaism – The What, How, and Why of Jewish Life

    Gateway to Judaism – The What, How, and Why of Jewish Life

    Questions are the gateways to knowledge. After years of responding to the queries of people from all walks of life, Rabbi Becher saw the need for a single volume that would explain the fundamentals of Jewish living; the philosophy behind Jewish tradition, along with practical explanations of how Jews actually live. Gateway to Judaism offers an engaging insider’s look at the mindset, values, and practices of Judaism in the 21st century.

    Author : 
  • Moadei Hashanah — Elul and Rosh Hashanah

    Moadei Hashanah — Elul and Rosh Hashanah

    Moadei Hashanah — Elul and Rosh Hashanah is based on eloquent lectures delivered by Rav Shimshon Dovid Pincus in which he brings out the deeper meaning and proper approach to these vital days. This is the seventh of his many Hebrew books to be made available to the English-speaking public. A world-renowned speaker, Rav Pincus educated and influenced audiences across the Jewish spectrum. Torah Jews throughout Israel and the Diaspora flocked to hear him speak because he had the ability to impart to them new worlds of understanding in Torah and mitzvos. He touched their hearts and changed their lives in an unparalleled way.In this volume, Rav Pincus shows us the awesome power of these special days on which we, and indeed the whole world, stand in judgment and are created anew. He opens our eyes to the infinite outpouring of Divine mercy that flows down to us at this time. In practical terms, he explains how to utilize all this in order to effect a profound and lasting change in our lives. Rav Pincus’ greatest insights into Elul and Rosh Hashanah are concentrated in this fundamental work. This appealing translation will delight both scholars and laymen alike with its genius and wit, along with its heartfelt messages.

    Author : Rav Shimshon Dovid Pincus
  • Nefesh Shimshon Series: Moadei Hashanah: Exile and Consolation – The Three Weeks and Tishah b’Av

    Nefesh Shimshon Series: Moadei Hashanah: Exile and Consolation – The Three Weeks and Tishah b’Av

    Make The Three Weeks a meaningful and enriching experience… With his characteristic brilliance and fervor, Rav Shimshon Dovid Pincus provides a unique and proper approach to this auspicious time. He adds new dimensions to our understanding of the Beis HaMikdash and our mourning over it; shows us how to transform the negative into a positive force for personal growth; and offers practical advice on how to make this time more meaningful and enriching.

    Author : Rav Shimshon Dovid Pincus
  • Be A Blessing

    Be A Blessing

    “Be a blessing, my child, be a blessing.” They were words whispered from a father to his child as she confronted the horrors of the Holocaust. That child would grow up to be the world’s beloved Rebbetzin, Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis.

    Author : Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis
  • Living Emunah Vol. 2

    Living Emunah Vol. 2

    Author :  Rabbi David Ashear
  • Living Emunah Vol. 3

    Living Emunah Vol. 3

    Living Emunah 3 continues to guide us on this marvelous and rewarding path. With stories and with the wisdom of the Sages, each brief and absorbing segment melds the classic Torah understanding of faith with our day-to-day encounters. It reinforces and deepens our understanding of HashemÂ’s love for us in all times and situations.

    Author :  Rabbi David Ashear
  • GPS Navigation For Your Soul

    GPS Navigation For Your Soul

    GPS: Navigation For Your Soul takes some of the brilliant concepts of Nesivos Shalom and “translates” them into contemporary terms. You will find answers to fundamental questions like: How can I know if Hashem still loves me? Is my essence damaged from the sins that I have done? Why does Hashem make me suffer? And many many more! Filled with colorful pictures and fun language that makes us laugh while we learn, this book is rooted in authentic Torah wisdom.

    Author : 
  • Holy Woman

    Holy Woman

    Visitors streamed to them for guidance and blessings; leading Rabbonim treated them with reverence. Living in a humble shack, poverty clung to them like the dust of the surrounding Jezre’el Valley. Childless themselves, they cared for cast-off children with profound handicaps. By life’s end, Rebbitzen Chaya Sara Kramer, together with her husband Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Kramer, had transformed the lives of tens of thousands of people worldwide.

    Author :  Sara Yoheved Rigler
  • Lights From Jerusalem

    Lights From Jerusalem

    The stories in this volume both fascinate and inspire. Its wisdom is gleaned from: a paralyzed educator who writes books with his eye movements; from a mother of 14 children who feeds 200 guests every Shabbos; from 75 orphans in Calcutta; from a Nobel Prize winner; from a Jerusalem Kabbalist; and from a colorful cast of characters whom the author has encountered in her epic spiritual journey.

    Author :  Sara Yoheved Rigler
  • Living Emunah Vol. 4

    Living Emunah Vol. 4

    The message of the Living Emunah series, which continues in Living Emunah 4, and which has made it so wildly popular is: Happiness is possible. Serenity is possible. Actually, nothing is impossible – when you empower yourself with emunah.

    Author : Rabbi David Ashear
  • Living Emunah Vol. 5

    Living Emunah Vol. 5

    This volume was written in the shadow of one of the modern world’s greatest challenges – the Covid-19 pandemic that took so many lives and put millions of people into a frightening lockdown. In a special section, Living Emunah author Rabbi David Ashear shows us how the power of emunah can support and guide us, even in these dark times when we feel utterly powerless. Like the rest of the Living Emunah series, Living Emunah 5 shows us how to “live emunah,” so we can replace despair with hope and fear with confidence.

    Author : Rabbi David Ashear
  • Living Emunah Vol. 6

    Living Emunah Vol. 6

    Yes, the extraordinary success of the Living Emunah series — with more than 300,000 copies in print — is due to all those reasons , and more. For its many readers have discovered that when they “live emunah” their lives are enriched, their relationships are improved, and, most important, their connection to Hashem is incomparably strengthened.

    Author : Rabbi David Ashear
  • Behold A People Part 1

    Behold A People Part 1

    History #1 – A Didactic History of Scriptual Times. Israel’s history is the record of G-d’s conduct towards His beloved nation, and it should be studied in that spirit. with this in mind, the famous Rabbi Avigdor Miller zt”l gives us insight into the first 2000 years of the history of the world. Starting with the moment of creation and going through the ages up until the destruction of the First Temple, his precise and accurate depiction of our heritage make this book an integral link to our illustrious past. The first in a series.

    Author : Rabbi Avigdor Miller
  • Torah Nation History Part 2

    Torah Nation History Part 2

    History #2 – History of the People of Israel from the Babylonian Exile to the End of the Second Sanctuary. Israel’s history is the record of G-d’s conduct of His beloved nation, and it should be studied in that spirit. With this in mind, the famous Rabbi Avigdor Miller zt’l gives us insight into the years of the history from after the destruction of the First Temple up until the destruction of the Second Temple. His precise and accurate depiction of our heritage make this book an integral link to our illustrious past. The second in a series.

    Author : Rabbi Avigdor Miller
  • Exalted People History Part 3

    Exalted People History Part 3

    Author : Rabbi Avigdor Miller
  • The Rebbetzin The Story of Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis – Her Life, Her Vision, Her Legacy

    The Rebbetzin The Story of Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis – Her Life, Her Vision, Her Legacy

    The Rebbetzin was written by Rabbi Nachman Seltzer, one of the Jewish world’s premiere authors, who interviewed close to one hundred people – family, shul members, students, neighbors, and many others whose souls she touched, who shared her devotion to Klal Yisrael. In these stories he vividly captures the life of one of the twentieth century’s most fascinating, charismatic and spiritually inspiring Jewish personalities.

    Author : Rabbi Nachman Seltzer
  • 2000 Years of Jewish History [Hardcover]

    2000 Years of Jewish History [Hardcover]

    An eminently readable account of Jewish history from the destruction of the Second Temple to the 20th century. Presented with vivid drama and flair, with a historically precise Torah point-of-view.

    Author : Rabbi Chaim Schloss
  • Endless Light: The Ancient Path of the Kabbalah

    Endless Light: The Ancient Path of the Kabbalah

    After years of careful study, David Aaron helps us find the answers to life’s questions as revealed in the Kabbalah, the mystical tradition of Judaism. Unlike other works on the Kabbalah, which are often academic, abstract, and unrelated to our everyday challenges and concerns, Endless Light is a thought-provoking, practical guide that illuminates our path in life. Rich in personal stories and anecdotes, Endless Light offers a deeper awareness of ourselves, our inner conflicts, and the way we understand and receive life’s bounteous gifts. Drawing upon the profound, timeless teachings of the ancients as well as on his own contemporary insights, David Aaron helps truth-seekers of all faiths to enrich their lives, strengthen their faith, and enjoy more meaningful relationships.

    Author : David Aaron
  • Crash Course in Jewish History – From Abraham to Modern Israel

    Crash Course in Jewish History – From Abraham to Modern Israel

    Crash Course in Jewish History – From Abraham to Modern Israel

    Author : Ken Spiro
  • Shaarei Halachah

    Shaarei Halachah

    This masterpiece fills a great need for our generation–a generation characterized by a thirst for the eternal values of Judaism. Now, the English-speaking reader can enjoy a clearly written and easy to read summary of Jewish law, based on the Mishnah Berurah. Among the many topics included in this work are: Tzitzis, the daily routine, prayer, tefillin, blessings, the Sabbath, festivals and special days, the dietary laws, and mourning. Shaarei Halachah has been hailed as the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch for our time!

    Author : Ze’ev Greenwald
  • The Laws Of Berachos

    The Laws Of Berachos

    This contemporary halachic classic explains how the complex laws of blessings on food are developed and derived. Includes a comprehensive list of foods and blessings and an eloquent, philosophical introduction. With Rabbi Aaron D. Twerski.

    Author : Rabbi Binyomin Forst
  • Laws of Yom Tov

    Laws of Yom Tov

    Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen has earned a niche in countless family libraries through his clear, thorough, and practical works on Halachah. His many books on the laws of Shabbos and child-rearing have become standard texts — enlightening, authoritative, and accessible — for scholar and layman alike.

    Author : Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen
  • Mesillas Yesharim Personal Size

    Mesillas Yesharim Personal Size

    Access the wisdom of Rav Moshe Chaim Luzzatto’s mussar classic, Mesillas Yesharim, in an entirely new way, in ArtScroll’s monumental new translation and elucidation.

    Author : 
  • Shaar HaBitachon of Chovos Halevavos Pocket Size

    Shaar HaBitachon of Chovos Halevavos Pocket Size

    From the team that brought us the bestselling classics Mesillas Yesharim and Shaarei Teshuvah comes another monumental work, Shaar HaBitachon of Chovos HaLevavos.

    Author : 
  • Interlinear Tehillim – The Schottenstein Edition

    Interlinear Tehillim – The Schottenstein Edition

    The complete Tehillim / Psalms with an Interlinear translation

    Author : 
  • Shabbos Secrets Vol. 1

    Shabbos Secrets Vol. 1

    In what order does one kindle the Shabbos lights? What are the different ways to hold the kiddush cup, and why? What is the significance of the traditional Shabbos foods? What does the “holiness of Shabbos” mean in real life? Questions such as these and hundreds more, abound in this one-of-a-kind book. You will discover the beauty and the inner meaning of our once a week ‘day of rest’, which is often misconstrued as a day of ‘do and don’ts.’ 192 color photos of every conceivable type of Shabbos food and custom make this volume a ‘must have’ as well as a perfect Shabbos gift.

    Author : Rabbi Dovid Meisels
  • Shabbos Secrets Vol 2.

    Shabbos Secrets Vol 2.

    The Significance of Traditional Shabbos FoodsThe family sits around a beautifully set table, bedecked in their Shabbos finery. The table is replete with all the traditional Shabbos foods: challah, fish, chicken soup, and more. The air around them shimmers with joy and holiness, the Shechinah itself hovering above the scene…Fantasy imagery? Not at all. It is the picture of every Jewish family at their Shabbos table each week.The connection a Jew has with Hashem begins at his Shabbos table, as that is a primary starting point to attaining emunah, yiras Shamayim, and a loving relationship with our Creator. Shabbos is Hashem’s special gift to His beloved nation; it is like a private invitation for us to dine at His very own table. By our sitting there with decorum, partaking in the meaning-rich traditional foods, and showing our appreciation and enjoyment of this precious gift, we are bonding with Hakadosh Baruch Hu in a most intense way.

    Author : Rabbi Dovid Meisels
  • Seudah Secrets – Nissan to Av

    Seudah Secrets – Nissan to Av

    Round matzos on Pesach…”Esther kezel” at “Seudas Esther” (on the second day of Pesach)…bagels on Lag B’Omer…cheese blintzes on Shavuos… When it comes to Shabbos, Yom Tov, and special occasions, our menu is set in tradition. But do you know why some serve tongue on the second day of Pesach? Or the reasoning behind the minhag of eating fried kreplach on Shavuos?In Seudah Secrets, Rabbi Dovid Meisels, author of the popular Secrets series, shares with us hundreds of customs regarding traditional Jewish foods, as well as the many reasons, all culled from midrashim, Chazal, and the sefarim hakedoshim, for why we eat them. Whether it’s as a segulah for health and parnassah, or to help increase one’™s emunah and yiras Shamayim, every food we eat that’s steeped in mesorah provides us with infinite benefit and brachah. The food that we eat can do so much good not only for our bodies, but for our souls, too!There’s a treasure trove of blessing waiting for you on your Shabbos or Yom Tov table! With Seudah Secrets as your guide, you are hereby invited to uncover it all.

    Author : Rabbi Dovid Meisels
  • Succos Secrets

    Succos Secrets

    Why is this holiday called “Succos”, not ” Succah”? Why do we celebrate Simchas Torah now, not on Shavuos? These questions, and more, skill-fully answered in Succos Secrets: The Mysteries Revealed. Over 100 fascinating photos!

    Author : Rabbi Dovid Meisels
  • Seudah Secrets – Elul to Adar

    Seudah Secrets – Elul to Adar

    The Significance and Spirituality of Traditional Jewish FoodsRound challah in Tishrei, farfel on Hoshana Rabbah, stuffed cabbage on Simchas Torah, wine on Shabbos. When it comes to Shabbos, Yom Tov, and special occasions, our menu is set in tradition.But do you know why we eat hamantaschen on Purim and why there’s a custom to serve fish at a wedding? Or the reasoning behind the minhag of eating cheese kreplach on Shavuos and round matzos on Pesach?In Seudah Secrets, Rabbi Dovid Meisels, author of the popular Secretsseries, shares with us hundreds of customs regarding traditional Jewish foods, as well as the many reasons, all culled from midrashim, Chazal, and the sefarim hakedoshim, for why we eat them. Whether it’s as a segulah for health and parnassah, or to help increase one’s emunah and yiras Shamayim, every food we eat that’s steeped in mesorah provides us with infinite benefit and brachah. The food that we eat can do so much good not only for our bodies, but for our souls, too!There’s a treasure trove of blessing waiting for you on your Shabbos or Yom Tov table! With Seudah Secrets as your guide, you are hereby invited to uncover it all.

    Author : Rabbi Dovid Meisels
  • Seudah Secrets on the Seder

    Seudah Secrets on the Seder

    Did you know there is a custom to individually wrap each of the three matzos at the Pesach Seder? And that there are specific kavanos one should have in mind when fulfilling the exalted mitzvah of eating matzah? Did you know that while some use celery for Karpas, others use radishes, potatoes, or onions, and still others dip celery together with potatoes into the saltwater? Although every Jewish holiday is steeped in tradition, when it comes to the hallowed Pesach Seder, the number of different customs that abound for each and every part, as well as the reasoning behind them, is mind-boggling! And all of it is there to serve one fundamental purpose: elevating what we do and what we eat on this holy night to a most sublime experience. In Seudah Secrets on the Seder, Rabbi Dovid Meisels, author of the popular Secrets series, shares with us hundreds of customs relating to the Pesach Seder, as well as the many explanations for why and how they are done. As always, Rabbi Meisels culls his material from Midrashim, Chazal, and the sefarim hakedoshim.

    Author : Rabbi Dovid Meisels
  • Questions and Answers with Rabbi Leib Kelemen

    Questions and Answers with Rabbi Leib Kelemen

    We want to do the right thing and make the most of our lives. But how do we get there? In this fascinating book, best-selling author Rabbi Leib Kelemen draws on a broad range of Torah sources — especially the insightful teachings of his great Rebbi, Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe — and decades of experience to offer us guidance, wisdom, and practical advice to help us resolve the issues and dilemmas we face.In this volume he addresses nearly 100 questions on topics ranging from shidduchim to childrearing, from Torah study to nurturing one’s talents, from shalom bayis to connecting to Hashem.This book is a must-have for every home.

    Author : Rabbi Leib Kelemen
  • Kitzur Halachos: Sukkah & Daled MIninm

    Kitzur Halachos: Sukkah & Daled MIninm

    The Halachos of Sukkah & Daled Minim Based on the Mishnah Berurah.

    Author :  Rabbi Zev Hofstedter
  • Kitzur Halachos: Yom Tov and Chol Hamoed

    Kitzur Halachos: Yom Tov and Chol Hamoed

    The Halachos of Yom Tov & Chol Hamoed Based on theMishnah Berurah A clear and concise guide to all the halachos of Yom Tov and Chol Hamoed, based on the Mishnah Berurah, by Rabbi Zev Hofstedter

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  • Schottenstein Ed Interlinear Chumash Complete in 1 Volume

    Schottenstein Ed Interlinear Chumash Complete in 1 Volume

    The Torah, Haftaros and Five Megillos with an Interlinear Translation and a commentary anthologized from the Rabbinic writings

    Author : 
  • Let My Nation Begin

    Let My Nation Begin

    The Story Of Avraham, Patriarch Of The Jewish People.

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  • 5″ Glass Shabbos Candlesticks

    5″ Glass Shabbos Candlesticks

    Every Friday evening and on the eve of Jewish holidays we bring in the peace and sanctity of Shabbos by lighting candles. The candles bring peace into our homes, and add light and warmth to a world that sometimes feels dark and cold. This Special Mitzvah is one of the 3 special Mitzvos that were given to women to do. Here at we want you to bring in the warmth of shabbos with your own shabbos candlesticks at no cost to you! (candles and beautiful blessing card included)

    Author : 
  • Tzitzis


    Tzitzis, often hailed as one of the most accessible and rewarding mitzvot, invites Jewish men to embrace a simple yet profound practice. The Torah instructs us that when donning a four-cornered garment, we are commanded to attach Tzitzis to each corner, a beautiful reminder of our faith and heritage. With such immense spiritual rewards awaiting those who fulfill this commandment, it’s no wonder that Jewish men across the globe make it a point to wear garments that require Tzitzis. At, we believe that everyone should participate in this meaningful tradition. That’s why we are thrilled to offer you a complimentary pair of Tzitzis! Simply send us an email with your name and address, and we’ll happily deliver your very own pair, ensuring that you can wear this special mitzvah with pride and joy.

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