Product Category
Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah
The yearnings, hopes and prayers of Rosh Hashanah form the gateway from man to G-d. In this book, a host of these important prayers are explained and illuminated.
The Midrash Says- Bereishis
The Midrash Says- Bereishis
Describes the lives of the forefathers and of the Twelve Tribes The narrative of the weekly Torah-portion in the perspective of our Sages. Selected and adapted from the Talmud and Midrash. All the volumes in this popular series will not fail to inspire and stimulate the reader, while providing vital information on the Parshah
The world is a mask which hides a deeper reality. But it is a unique mask: it hides, and yet it reveals; it is opaque and yet transparent. This book, by the author of “Anatomy of a Search” and “Living Inspired”, reveals some of the Torah wisdom which reflects that duality, both within the world and beyond it, in physical expression and in root depth. One who learns to perceive the depth behind the scenes of life will experience exhilaration and wonder. The careful reader who explores the chapters presented here will discover some of the keys which unlock the world behind the mask.
Moadei Hashanah — Elul and Rosh Hashanah
Moadei Hashanah — Elul and Rosh Hashanah
Moadei Hashanah — Elul and Rosh Hashanah is based on eloquent lectures delivered by Rav Shimshon Dovid Pincus in which he brings out the deeper meaning and proper approach to these vital days. This is the seventh of his many Hebrew books to be made available to the English-speaking public. A world-renowned speaker, Rav Pincus educated and influenced audiences across the Jewish spectrum. Torah Jews throughout Israel and the Diaspora flocked to hear him speak because he had the ability to impart to them new worlds of understanding in Torah and mitzvos. He touched their hearts and changed their lives in an unparalleled way.In this volume, Rav Pincus shows us the awesome power of these special days on which we, and indeed the whole world, stand in judgment and are created anew. He opens our eyes to the infinite outpouring of Divine mercy that flows down to us at this time. In practical terms, he explains how to utilize all this in order to effect a profound and lasting change in our lives. Rav Pincus’ greatest insights into Elul and Rosh Hashanah are concentrated in this fundamental work. This appealing translation will delight both scholars and laymen alike with its genius and wit, along with its heartfelt messages.
Endless Light: The Ancient Path of the Kabbalah
Endless Light: The Ancient Path of the Kabbalah
After years of careful study, David Aaron helps us find the answers to life’s questions as revealed in the Kabbalah, the mystical tradition of Judaism. Unlike other works on the Kabbalah, which are often academic, abstract, and unrelated to our everyday challenges and concerns, Endless Light is a thought-provoking, practical guide that illuminates our path in life. Rich in personal stories and anecdotes, Endless Light offers a deeper awareness of ourselves, our inner conflicts, and the way we understand and receive life’s bounteous gifts. Drawing upon the profound, timeless teachings of the ancients as well as on his own contemporary insights, David Aaron helps truth-seekers of all faiths to enrich their lives, strengthen their faith, and enjoy more meaningful relationships.
Laws of Yom Tov
Laws of Yom Tov
Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen has earned a niche in countless family libraries through his clear, thorough, and practical works on Halachah. His many books on the laws of Shabbos and child-rearing have become standard texts — enlightening, authoritative, and accessible — for scholar and layman alike.