

Hi Everyone!

As some of you have noticed, our website has been offline for several weeks. We were hit by malicious hackers, and have had to start from scratch. So anyone who had signed up and was approved before, I’m sorry to say, you need to sign up and register again. But life is all about moving forward, so instead of dwelling on the past, we’re excited to relaunch the website and get everything up and running again!

To recap the rules, you must have an address in the United States for us to approve you, we do not mail outside of the United States at this time. We are an organization that is family run and operates on a strictly volunteer basis. We are a recognized tax deductible organization, so if you’d like to make a donation to help us keep the site running, that would be very much appreciated. We pay for all of the books, shipping, and web services out of our own pocket – donations will help ensure this venture can thrive.

Our goal is to help connect Jewish people with authentic Torah Judaism, something that unfortunately many of us have grown up without even if we were members of a Reform or Conservative synagogue. We do not proselytize, nor do we think anyone needs to convert to Judaism in order to live a good life, however for those of us who were born into Judaism there is so much to learn and explore that can greatly enhance your life. Judaism is not an all or nothing responsibility, just by learning a little at a time and taking on one mitzva at a time you can see amazing changes for the better in your life.

We are here to help with any questions or concerns you might have. We hope this site and this organization can be of help to as many of you as possible, and let’s make this a great new start in 2016!