Jewish Basics
The Midrash Says-Shemos
The Midrash Says-Shemos
Part of the Five-Volume Series Centers around the exodus from Egypt and the building of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) Illustrations of the priestly garments and of the Mishkan are included
The Midrash Says- Vayikra
The Midrash Says- Vayikra
Parts of the Five-Volume Series Discusses the laws pertaining to the Temple Service in easily understood language
The Midrash Says- Bamidbar
The Midrash Says- Bamidbar
Part of Five-Volume Series Relates the events that occurred while the Jews wandered in the wilderness
The Midrash Says- Devarim
The Midrash Says- Devarim
Part of Five-Volume Series Moshe’s parting speech — a fascinating review of the events that transpired under this great prophet’s leadership
The Midrash Says- Bereishis
The Midrash Says- Bereishis
Describes the lives of the forefathers and of the Twelve Tribes The narrative of the weekly Torah-portion in the perspective of our Sages.
Living Emunah
Living Emunah
Think about living a life of no stress. No anxiety. No fear. Is it an impossible dream, an unreachable fantasy? Or… can it be achieved? And can YOU achieve it?Our Sages’ clear answer to these life-transforming questions is: Yes. You can live a life of tranquility, serenity and happiness, no matter what is happening around you.What it takes is emunah, faith. Faith in Hashem and His goodness, belief that He cares for you, knows what is best for you and is completely involved in your life. If you believe that totally – you’re on the path to emunah, the road that leads to real happiness.
Living Inspired
Living Inspired
Shows how an understanding of some of the deeper ideas and patterns of Torah thought can illuminate our everyday experiences
Aryeh Kaplan Anthology Volume I
Aryeh Kaplan Anthology Volume I
Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan asks hard questions about Judaism and its commandments, and he gives compelling answers that have broadened the horizons of countless people.
Let My Nation Serve Me – Shavuos
Let My Nation Serve Me – Shavuos
Let My Nation Serve Me recounts the most important episode in Jewish history: the drama and exhilaration of Mattan Torah come alive, drawing us to Mount Sinai where we can visualize Moshe, Aharon, Miriam, and other Biblical figures as though they stood before us.
Gateway to Judaism – The What, How, and Why of Jewish Life
Gateway to Judaism – The What, How, and Why of Jewish Life
Questions are the gateways to knowledge. After years of responding to the queries of people from all walks of life, Rabbi Becher saw the need for a single volume that would explain the fundamentals of Jewish living; the philosophy behind Jewish tradition, along with practical explanations of how Jews actually live. Gateway to Judaism offers an engaging insider’s look at the mindset, values, and practices of Judaism in the 21st century.
Be A Blessing
Be A Blessing
“Be a blessing, my child, be a blessing.” They were words whispered from a father to his child as she confronted the horrors of the Holocaust. That child would grow up to be the world’s beloved Rebbetzin, Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis.
Living Emunah Vol. 3
Living Emunah Vol. 3
Living Emunah 3 continues to guide us on this marvelous and rewarding path. With stories and with the wisdom of the Sages, each brief and absorbing segment melds the classic Torah understanding of faith with our day-to-day encounters. It reinforces and deepens our understanding of HashemÂ’s love for us in all times and situations.
GPS Navigation For Your Soul
GPS Navigation For Your Soul
GPS: Navigation For Your Soul takes some of the brilliant concepts of Nesivos Shalom and “translates” them into contemporary terms. You will find answers to fundamental questions like: How can I know if Hashem still loves me? Is my essence damaged from the sins that I have done? Why does Hashem make me suffer? And many many more! Filled with colorful pictures and fun language that makes us laugh while we learn, this book is rooted in authentic Torah wisdom.
Living Emunah Vol. 4
Living Emunah Vol. 4
The message of the Living Emunah series, which continues in Living Emunah 4, and which has made it so wildly popular is: Happiness is possible. Serenity is possible. Actually, nothing is impossible – when you empower yourself with emunah.
Living Emunah Vol. 5
Living Emunah Vol. 5
This volume was written in the shadow of one of the modern world’s greatest challenges – the Covid-19 pandemic that took so many lives and put millions of people into a frightening lockdown. In a special section, Living Emunah author Rabbi David Ashear shows us how the power of emunah can support and guide us, even in these dark times when we feel utterly powerless. Like the rest of the Living Emunah series, Living Emunah 5 shows us how to “live emunah,” so we can replace despair with hope and fear with confidence.
Living Emunah Vol. 6
Living Emunah Vol. 6
Yes, the extraordinary success of the Living Emunah series — with more than 300,000 copies in print — is due to all those reasons , and more. For its many readers have discovered that when they “live emunah” their lives are enriched, their relationships are improved, and, most important, their connection to Hashem is incomparably strengthened.
Shaarei Halachah
Shaarei Halachah
This masterpiece fills a great need for our generation–a generation characterized by a thirst for the eternal values of Judaism. Now, the English-speaking reader can enjoy a clearly written and easy to read summary of Jewish law, based on the Mishnah Berurah. Among the many topics included in this work are: Tzitzis, the daily routine, prayer, tefillin, blessings, the Sabbath, festivals and special days, the dietary laws, and mourning. Shaarei Halachah has been hailed as the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch for our time!
The Laws Of Berachos
The Laws Of Berachos
This contemporary halachic classic explains how the complex laws of blessings on food are developed and derived. Includes a comprehensive list of foods and blessings and an eloquent, philosophical introduction. With Rabbi Aaron D. Twerski.
Laws of Yom Tov
Laws of Yom Tov
Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen has earned a niche in countless family libraries through his clear, thorough, and practical works on Halachah. His many books on the laws of Shabbos and child-rearing have become standard texts — enlightening, authoritative, and accessible — for scholar and layman alike.
Shaar HaBitachon of Chovos Halevavos Pocket Size
Shaar HaBitachon of Chovos Halevavos Pocket Size
From the team that brought us the bestselling classics Mesillas Yesharim and Shaarei Teshuvah comes another monumental work, Shaar HaBitachon of Chovos HaLevavos.
Questions and Answers with Rabbi Leib Kelemen
Questions and Answers with Rabbi Leib Kelemen
We want to do the right thing and make the most of our lives. But how do we get there? In this fascinating book, best-selling author Rabbi Leib Kelemen draws on a broad range of Torah sources — especially the insightful teachings of his great Rebbi, Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe — and decades of experience to offer us guidance, wisdom, and practical advice to help us resolve the issues and dilemmas we face.In this volume he addresses nearly 100 questions on topics ranging from shidduchim to childrearing, from Torah study to nurturing one’s talents, from shalom bayis to connecting to Hashem.This book is a must-have for every home.